Monday 28 May 2012

sad week

the week started out well, i basically was like superman, on the office buildings, because i was done within two days, but the trouble only started, when i had began working on my community hub project. since that was giving me a hard time, i must have been absent mined, with the long weekend looming. the whole office project got corrupted and couldn't open. i had to rush in the office on Saturday and get the blue print to start from scratch, i defiantly wont be getting any sleep this weekend. until Monday

Saturday 19 May 2012

back to the drawing board

so OK the office project was almost 50% done, but my boss was not happy with what she designed, so she said delete all the previous work and start from scratch, we phoned the right people and put ideas together, before she had a late night at the office, on Friday she pitched the latest plan to me. that means on Monday after she develops  it a little bit more, i must take over, and get it done. on another note the makeni project clients are in the country, luckily for us i moved fast in the design, now its all about square meters and cost, my boss was impressed with the plan and possible elevation i pitched her, but we argued on the fact that the client has such a low budget, but we will push ahead and try to reduce cost in need be, I'm hopping the client does not change her mind on the before brief, because the plan is suited for that brief. except for contractors on the battle front with us, we also manage to submit the bid for the new bank of Zambia that all the firms are fighting for, although our package was small, size doesnt matter compared to quality, and  fi did her best on that project even though shes new. so until next week

Monday 14 May 2012

Architectural process in practice

well started working on the elevations of the office building again, we trying out new looks, and been in constant talks with our suppliers on materials. the makeni shopping mall has had to take a back seat for now. after i finished the four types of elevations it was back to the makeni project where we hard run into some trouble concerning the roof support that runs through the clinic, one one side, the flats are good to go, just some changes here and there and we good to go, enjoy work now, but i want more, cant wait for next week

learning week

the week started off fantastic. the makeni shopping complex is coming along very well. just some concerns on the roof and how it will come about, since its a low cost project, i would prefer to use a more modern way of construction. learned some interesting ways of construction, hopefully the next week we can proceed to the full sections and elevations