Monday 30 April 2012

stw community hub

Community Hub - Naphtali Mphaisha
Concept- Natural geometric shapes, that co-respond to their function and context. Making it easier for a community to unit and co-exist freely.
Design- The geometric shapes allow the construction technology to become subdue and clear to construct. The concept consists of five (5) individual components that come together to form one unit. Firstly, the internet tower. The tower is accessible through-out the day and night, including a safety gate. It will allow seating for social gatherings and networking. The second and third parts are made up of curved structures that resemble arms, and are positioned on either side of the tower. These structures act as an open plan seating area that allows visible sight all around the main structure. The idea for this structure is to enforce a logical social gathering during functions such as performances that could possible take place or too just casually sit and have lunch. The fourth structure is the stage. It is carefully placed in such a way that you can view it from the tower or curved seating area. This makes sure that the area is served as a public space. The fifth and last structure resembles a sort of chalet, but with semi open wall structures. This will be known as the meeting or studying area, as the noise level will be buffered by the brick tower. Making sure that if there is a performance on stage, you can still have a little privacy. The whole structure is designed in such a way as to allow as much seating as possible, using building material as furniture, while providing protection from the elements. The roofs are held up by gum poles and connectors. This will provide the addition to the urban fabric, a tower simple in its design and construction, that it is suitable for any environment.

concept model, advanced.

stwv community hub precedent study

Community hub precedent study
Naphtali Mphaisha 211038547
CPUT 2nd year STW and CTD project

POAD 2010                            REF NO. 207006717

Concept/ Plan/ Joinery and Development.

Sections and Elevations

 Working models

-          What is the main technological idea of the structure/building
   Conradie used gum poles, concrete, and brick to create an outdoor like experience for this community hub. The poles are connecting with the use of pole connecters to provide the primary structure. The secondary structure is connected in such a way that it provides stability, but also acts as a roof, floor and natural furniture. Concrete foundations lay underground, which the bottom of the primary poles are casted into. The walkway is concrete and leads to the brick tower. The size of the whole hub is important as it relates to scale of the concept and idea of my own community hub.
-          How does the technological idea contribute to the overall idea of the structure
   Intent- Philip Daniel Conradie:” The project requests the creation of a community hub, a place promoting social interaction, education and entertainment. The intent is to create a place where this culmination of different functions can merge into an interesting addition to the urban fabric an addition which blends into context”.
   Concept- Philip Daniel Conradie:” An epicentre, a landmark, a knot in the contextual fabric from where information bulges and explodes outwards. Always learning. Always growing.

Friday 27 April 2012

good week

well the shopping complex looks like its coming alone very well, although i miss Monday with a flu, i managed to spend my time in bed coming up with new ideas and it helped. worried about some angels cause of the wasted space but the site plan forces me to design at an angel. the flats are done and the clinic too. just adjustments to the shopping floor plan and we can take it to review hopefully on Monday i can start the sections and elevation, i still haven't thought about the roof plan yet. anyway on a separate thought i spent the time at home cleaning the roof and fixing the gutters, down pipes and seen more architecture techniques. was a bit scared of been so high without a safety net but we managed till late at night. we also managed to find the missing plans for the new house my father building, and got them to council this morning, and unfortunately my client is still fighting in court for his land, but the drawings i did for him are ready. oh yes and the bosses are back from vacation, so the office is buzzing with orders and work again, i printed the new office plans i had done for review and we will discuss the next step next week...for now I'm looking forward to the weekend so until next Friday bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 20 April 2012

week 8:kicking it old school with my nose in the books:)

So dear readers, all reader here we are again, been working for 8 weeks now, but it feels like 2 months LOL, just a little joke.
OK so the bosses are still on vacation right, but that doesn't mean the workforce can play, or does it, anyway, I have been given something that is suppose to keep my mind turning for days, with a design process. the clients brief is asking me to design a shopping complex / clinic / staff flats on one plot, which is about 5000m squared. so i think I have read about 100 books for research on this proposal, some of them that literally put me so sleep in my desk. but after all is said and done, i dot the general idea and went to work, My supervisor gave me the green light, and said the layout was well thought of and good, "thank you books, i guess".  now it was time for the parking, and according to parking standards, we needed 77 bays for our site and we had 65, big problem , but some thought, and a little magic, and we ended up with 78 bays ( by the way we went parallel on on side of the mall). once again my supervising boss gave me the thumbs up. so now we can start making the magic happen on the computer. one thing I'm stressing about is designing at an angle, because the site is angled, but still i cant wait, look out Zambia, Naphtali Mphaisha is designing a mall ho ha, watch this space.
so until next week, this is me signing out and wishing everyone a good weekend and well deserved rest

Friday 13 April 2012

slow week

OK so the boss lady is in Germany for two weeks, but the plans have been done, the week has been slow, but it should pick up next week with some new projects possibly coming up, as for now, I'm looking forward to a good rest this weekend. stressing a little cause of the lack of contact from the CPUT, but I'm sure all completed work was submitted. On another note got introduced to the new Miss Zambia  this week, we might be doing some work for her, so that was pretty fun, different and interesting. anyway I'm done for the week, this is me signing out, have a good weekend everyone reading.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

week 6, losing my mind in a new work place

having a good week, after the Easter break, just finished part one of the drawings for council, now the boss has to get back to me, looking forward to more work this week, and i got showed how to finally fold plans the right way by Mr wachata. hopefully that skill will came in hand soon, as we were folding what seemed like hundred's of plans, late Thursday afternoon, when the electricity went off, due to other buildings playing with cables lol.